Friday, November 6, 2009

Shame, Humiliation, Guilt, today's community bywords, cropping up in dreams and on the internet. I like the quality this headache has. I'm never prepared for the arrival of weather. The antidote is exceptional, can't be had at any price, talks backward in sleep, this sentence is boring, this internet is boring, this rain is boring, I feel okay, my boots are wet, I am never prepared for the arrival of weather I am never prepared for the arrival of weather I am never prepared for the arrival of weather I am never prepared for the arrival of weather I am never prepared for the arrival of weather, my headache's antidote is boring, cropping up in dreams and on the internet, this internet is boring, the byword is 'friendly' the byword is boring, the byword is 'headache' the byword is 'boring' I am never prepared for the arrival of weather, shame on the internet the byword is boring,

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